Describe Me in One Word

Hi. I'm back. It's a hell of a day. We had a not-really-a-good-thing-to-talk-about quiz this morning in our Cost Accounting Subject - brain damaging. Where the hell is he getting those stuffs? Those words he used in constructing the question. Deym! After the quiz I had this loss of enthusiasm - or I guess I can not use that word because I was never enthusiastic about it at all- and so I began to think of nonsense activities.

Then suddenly, I thought of something.

I asked them in a surprising manner. "Describe me in one word."

Here are there answers:
1. John ~ ASWANG
2.Precy ~ PUTI. PAYAT. KULOT. AMAZING. [wow.  one word huh. :P]

Their answers really made me laugh.  :DDD

Thanks guys, by the way.
