A Legal Date Ei?

(Ano ba yan? Wala akong ma-say! Haha)

Remember that note saying "Save me a date next month" ? Well, the "next month"  has finally come. :D

It's funny to think how I stuck in here...it was like my fingers paused that I couldn't type anything at all about that day. Speechless? Well, I'll still try to describe it for you. Hehe. I had so much fun, that I had.

Days before that day, I was suffering from a serious fever. Well, I'm already used to getting sick after the examinations, maybe due to stressful and restless nights. Plus, tonsillitis attacked! T.T blocking my happiness to eat sweets... Luckily, I was totally fine by Sunday night meaning the "date" will be on Monday. Haha! This really feels weird for me. This is definitely not the first time but it feels like first.hmmm, let's just call it "My First Legal Date." 

Common activities which brought extraordinary joys. We ate lunch together at Shakeys. We went malling. We played together. We watched a movie, Hunger Games, and by the way, it's cool! :) Good thing about it was I did enjoy his company. I may not know what's the very essence of dating but for me, it settles the query if you're comfortable together. 
During the opening of the token and reading of the shuriken-note.. Haha! 

Big smiles :)))
