
  1. Bloodo-holl! I can't access Facebook, Gmail, YM etc. for days already...I don't know how to resolve this issue but one thing is for sure, this will take time for me to fix. Ugggh. For the mean time, Tumblr and I will be having mini bonding. *cup face*
  2. Law 1 Exam Results are released...the truth is I don't want to talk about it. The fact that it is enumerated in the bummer list is enough to sense that it's not so good...or lemme rephrase that...it's definitely not good.
  3. Failure to print the most important part of the Chapter 6 of our Feasibility Study...I slept past 3 am just to finish the financial statements including the different schedules not to mention the bloody balancing of the financial position. I suck in those...really. But fortunately,  miracle sometimes happens. Everything went perfect as planned...ALMOST...only to realize the next week that my group mate failed to include them during the printing. Poof! The mighty deduction follows.
  4. I lost the deal last Sept 1, 2012...I had a silly contract with Mr. Sixty which states that I have to abstain from drinking alcoholic beverages of any form. Even wines are not allowed. Even fruitcake which contained wine are prohibited...ganyan ka OA. Good faith is presumed in the contract. Well, this is actually a win-win situation for me. First, it's for my own benefit, my health to be specific. Second, I will have an award, Remote Controlled Car, by the end of a whole year from the perfection of the contract, which will be on Sep. 5, 2012. Unfortunately, last Sept 1, I sincerely enjoyed eating the "Pata" which was deliciously cooked by my brother only to find out that he mixed a substantial amount of Gin which contained 32.5% alcohol content to make the dish more savory. 

Dear 'rest of September days', Please please be good to me! :)

