F for Fight

(Event day: November17, 2012 Saturday)

I guess it's one of the most unforgettable day of the year. Believe me, you don't wanna know. I don't want you to experience the "Read it and Weep" drama. For all I know, relationships are meant to be tested too. And, we are not an exception.

It's just funny now that I realized how insensitive I am sometimes. It's a sad truth. And, I admit, I really had a hard time accepting that. Now, I learned that accepting the fact opened a lot of doors for me...

...to a more sensitive me, to a more aware me, to a more respectful me, to a more creative me, to a more courageous me, to a more assiduous me, to a more loving me, to a more deserving me, to a BETTER ME...

There's no point of denying it, it's really painful. It's jaw dropping. It's eye closing. It's heart breaking. It's world stopping. It's lip shaking. It's tongue twisting. It's mind bugging. It's self suffocating. Mixed emotions.

That day also opened the door of the "white room of truths" where I realized how much I love him.

[The lessons I learned from this day will be on my next posts :)) ]
