Happy Mother's Day

Event Date: May 12, 2013

It's not that late, right?
Here's what I did last Mother's Day...
hang with my favorite cousin who's about to leave the town for his Board Exam Review
Candle Lighting
I lit three candles which represents "I Love Mom".
For us, it's a tradition to light a candle during special occasions and it's my Mom who taught me such thing when I was just a little kid. Now that she's away (in Saudi), I keep on doing the same thing...which reminds me so much of her...
Aunt Ludi's Messy Burger
My favorite cousin and I went to Aunt Ludi's and had a mini Mom's Day celebration...
then I thought of something cool (I guess)...out of the Messy Burger that I ordered
I formed the the word "M-O-M" out of the french fries sticks and the saucer with catsup.

Cute, isn't it?
Aunt Ludi's Dome Cake
First time to try it...not bad, actually.
Meet the Sloppy Joe
Happy Mother's Day with my Messy Burger Dish
How about a second glance with my plating? :)
Meet my favorite cousin AJ Hong...
AJ Hong's random faces
It may be a long story if you ask me how did we become cousins..
but one short story I know...
One day we were friends...next day we're family :)

Shahara Rosco and AJ Hong, the Ambassadors 



Anonymous said…
Happy Mother's day to your mom.

We like blowing birthday candles! and we like lighting up candles in church for wishes too.

Hope you can follow my blog.

I'll follow back.

Check out my wedding planning posts too.