Shahara C. Rosco, Google Student Ambassador

Last April 12, 2013, my friend Melvin shared to us a huge opportunity for students—the Google Student Ambassador program. What is this all about? Check it out here. Without thinking twice, I did apply and tried my luck. The application form was quite a tough one and it normally takes 45 minutes to 1 hour for us to be able to finish filling up. Part of the application was an optional video to introduce ourselves with a maximum limit of 60 seconds. With the help of my amazing friend, Precy, I was able to submit a cool video. Check this out:

My video for my GSA Application 

I saw the other videos for GSA Application from different students from Philippines and I couldn’t deny fact that my hope in getting in lessened and I turned a bit pessimistic. These guys are so cool. So I decided not to set my hopes too high. However, last May 13, I got an unexpected email:

Print Screen from the actual Email

March 16, 2013, they’ve released the list of the new batch of Google Student Ambassadors from Philippines. I was indeed glad to see our names. Most of them are from different prestigious schools in Manila. And my mouth was literally in “O” when I realized I have just gotten myself into. Now, I guess it won’t be wise to be the same old sometimes-sloppy Hara. Check out the list:

List of Google Student Ambassador from Philippines, 2013-2014

I’m a little bit sad because I couldn’t sense any support from the Academic Department Heads. I still had to convince them to even get the Dean’s contact details. I also talked with different Heads and luckily, I was able to convince them. I just wanna thank our Director of Student Affairs for congratulating me and showing support. Thanks Ma’am!

Since everything is settled now, I guess I have to process my legal documents for me to be able to attend the Google Students Ambassador Summit this June 19-22 at Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Wish me luck!



Anna said…
Sounds funnn! Goodluck Hara! :)
Thanks Anna! :)) hehehe I hope you'll participate in the future activities....