Let Go and See What Happens

Life is full of uncertainties and I believe it will always remain that way. No matter how we plan and plan and plan for how things to go, sometimes, things just won't happen because some tiny details that we failed to anticipate, or a minor problem that we underestimated which turned into a big one, or if you believe in some higher power, maybe it's just not meant to be.

As for me, I've always been a dreamer, a planner, someone who writes in my special notebook of how things should go. Luckily, some of them went my way because I worked and fought hard for them to happen. However, there are really cases when no matter how much effort we put in, things won't go the way we want to.

I sometimes cannot help but ask God why and then I'll feel guilty because it signifies lack of faith and I never want him to think like that. In the end, I learned that there are things that seemed dark to understand at first but sooner or later, you'll realize why things happen the way they are instead of how you hoped they would.

"Sometimes you have to let go and see what happens."

 Because we never know what God's surprise is really all about. All I'm sure is that we'll surely thank Him later.

Short True Story of Us:

I've never been a fan of gamblers but then I married one (hehe).

One time, while we were in Manila, we went to the City of Dreams, it's the latest casino in town. Unfortunately, we spent during the first night more than 30,000 bucks at the said casino. All for nothing because we got no luck for that night.

In my head, I was whining, "I told you!" And then we had this crazy idea of borrowing money from my Papa, just 10,000 bucks and we didn't tell them the real reason. What happened was my sister transferred 10,000 to my bank account since she's the most accessible family member.

The thought of gambling the 10,000 was in all levels a bad idea. But my husband was so positive he could turn it big. He said all we needed to do was to change casino. So we went to Resorts World Manila. I was still not supportive of the idea.

It's not that I don't trust him. It's just too risky. But like what they say, "Sometimes, you have to let go and see what happens."

From 10,000, we got a total winnings of more than 300,000 the following days.

Yep, life is really full of surprises.
