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Sohara Tweets: Worth The Game

So I guess it's very obvious who I've been meaning with this post. He had a very long list of ex-lovers but got serious with a very few and I guess experienced cheating on everyone. So during the first months of our relationship last year, it was really a question of, "Is he worth the game that I'm kinda willing to play..." He pretty reminded me of Barney of How I Met Your Mother series (my all time favorite)

I on the other hand got no long list of ex-lovers. Well, I may have a list and may have plan on writing my own version of How I met Your Father but it's not that long to be proud of. Plus, I only had 2 ex-boyfriends...for real. The other ranges from stalker to almost there.

So now that we're married and we're having a baby on the way, I guess it's fair to say, "He's worth the game."

The game that turned into a wonderful new journey.

Who knew...

So a year after is the confirmation. Yes, so worth the game. :)
