Komagane Nature Park

After having our free jellos at Kantenpapa, we quickly head to Komagane. That's what they call it but I believe it is not really the specific name. It is a nature park. Few walks from the entrance itself is the rocky river and the water is clean and clear and oh so cold.

Inside the park are beautifully planted trees and plants. They have names but I could't read most of them because they were written in Japanese. There are mini playgrounds inside, yes plural because there were literally several. Some are specifically built for kids and some are for kids at heart. There's also a skate board playground. Pre-teens occupy such most of the time. There's also this huge  metal sculpture of beetles. There are actually two but I don't have the photo of the other. 

There is also a long bridge that connects to the other part of the place. Haha! I don't know the name but it looks like just another nature park but bigger. It has several sheds perfect for some barbeque sessions on winter.

I just went with the group of course and there is this bakery with deliciously-looking and tasty-smelling bread. We bought some and paired them with a cup of soft ice cream and I was never disappointed. They were indeed delicious.

It's a shame I didn't have a lot of picture though. It was such a good place. 


