My Views About Guys 1

♥ asked me if what do I think about Guys..
     I honestly don't know the answer. But since ♥ was the one who asked the question, I did my best to answer it.
I told ♥ that for me, guys are more complicated than girls. For me, they really are.  couldn't really understand them sometimes. There are a lot of types of guys.
♥ said "guys are crazy." I really could not forget that line of  ♥.  Maybe they really are because that was what ♥said.
But honestly, for me, not only guys are complicated..even girls, too.
Guys have different kinds..but the question is..what is the best type of them?
That is the question that even girls have different answers. Because it is not really about what type of guy he is. It just matter if you love him. If true love strikes, the power of LOVE will find its way to make you perfect for each other no matter how many similarities  and difference you have.
