University Week 2012 [Day 3]

February 8, 2012

BC wins the debate. Congratulations to the Red Lions team for winning the debate this round. Issue : "Earth hour is pointless." Business college being the Government side and College of Engineering and Technology being the opposition.

Editorial and Feauture Writing Contest

Had to cover. I also had to cover the Editorial and Feature Writing Contests that morning. Funny thing - it made me run along from buildings to buildings looking for the venue of the event. I really had no idea where it was at first, how careless of me. Aigoo :| But God blessed me with good friends who helped me in finding the room. haha

Best Lunch . My best buddies Geia and Dodz invited me to have lunch at KCC. It's a no question invitation actually. Automatic Yes! I miss them so much. Surprisingly, Iana was also there. Four friends :) What made this lunch a very epic one was that Miss M was there too - at KCC. Here's what happened. Geia was making me move fast and said...whoever comes last shall the treat the others - that would be a big No No. Haha. And so like flash, I flew the Mall.

Her presence gives me shivers. We were in front of Mang Inasal (I guess) when I saw Gevee, Miss M's friend and also my ex's ex's boyfriend, can you get the logic? Hehe. I just didn't mind him at first thinking that Maila wasn't there because she's busy. When all of a sudden, Geia shouted Miss M was there. I don't know what happened I went nuts and acted like crazy because of her presence. I could feel shivers down my spine - although she didn't see me at all. Haha. My eyes followed her way to wherever she walks  up to the Department Store Lobby wherein s structure of four letters forming the word LOVE were standing in there. We followed her as she checked out the posted papers on the temporary love wall. I was almost behind her. Then she suddenly disappeared.

Best KFC Lunch. But then again, we saw her inside the KFC which became our very reason why dine in there.She was so close. She was just in the next line. I took a photo of her. She is so cute - really. She's like my pain reliever. How I wish we were personally friends. Tsk. We sat adjacent to their table which made me sit super duper close to her. Haha. I was really super duper happy that moment. I even took a photo which inlcuded her in the background. I also kept the table napkin and spoonful spoon as a remembrance for that day. She's just an arm's length.

Crazy. here's something crazier. I sat on her chair (after they left) and took a photo. Haha. Stupidly happy!

Matinagdanon Festival Culmination. The Festival Culmination ended with a Pageants Night. The Stage Decoration was excellent. I knew it from the start that it's way better than the coming Hiyas Pageant. The performances of the candidates were really cool just don;t mind the question and answer if you don't wanna get discouraged. :) Sorry. Or maybe it's just a coincident that the candidates failed to show their better answers. We were just expecting more from them. hehe. Shucks!

Creative stage design
best stage design in the history of my NDDU stay so far :) So colorful
with cool entrance and exit :)


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