Happy First Presents

I know, i know. Maybe most of you will think this isn't normal for two people to celebrate a monthsary knowing their relationship is just "Trial Version". And I guess I have to accept that we're more than normal. Lol! But it's really fun you know. One thing I really like about having this kind of more-than-friends relationship is that, you get to experience extra efforts and get extra concern and receive non-birthday gifts too! Plus the different cool surprises.

To make the day a little more special, I thought of something to give him. An ordinary gift for a special person on a not super ordinary day :)  I tried to make a hand-replica but I failed. I wasn't able to properly anticipate the consequences of creating such thing. I did try but the Hexagel didn't cooperate much. Fail. So I thought of another thing. And this is what I got. I'm proud that I made it myself :)
book | page-folded | heart-shaped | by shahara rosco

And that's for him from me. And, here's from him, to me ♥

What's inside the paper bag? Obviously, there were chocolates (Macadamia and Choco Babies, Japan) and eight (8) paper birds (origami). Inside each paper birds are sweet notes about me, him, and us. My friends were present as I opened and read each paper birds and despite of their presence, I guess I was so obvious that I was so kilig. But there's no point of hiding naman eh. Hehe. I am much open now than before, I guess. 

Again...Happy First! :)) And may you wait until the right time comes for us to go for the Premium Version. Lol! More months to come! Buwahahaha! <3
