Exam Week to Hospital Week

One Monday morning, my tummy hurt a lot. The torture was excruciating like I wanna writhe in pain. I was at school that time. My friends were telling me that I was turning pale already. I just shrugged away their comments thinking I wanna enter my next subjects. But that afternoon, I was awakened by my own chilling. I felt my body getting hotter and hotter and I felt like dying. I have no energy to even inform my sister or anyone in the house about my situation. But I was able to crawl and open my door to call her. The following day, I was admitted at St. Elizabeth Hospital. 

I had undergone CBC (Complete Blood Count), urinalysis, and skin test (which I hate the most) and other tests. My dosage for my antibiotic was increased to 750ml from 500ml , Cefuroxime. My doctor, Helena told me that I need to stay in the hospital for straight five days for the medication. And pooooofff! Doctor's order always prevails. T.T

dextrose on my left hand
my dear classmates and friends visited me in the hospital 
meet Geia
Shandy, Faith and Hara with Baby Alexxa
they visited me
before going to our Acquaintance Party '12
a scroll from my dearest Kelly ♥

what's inside the great scroll

Kelly also wrote me a letter. HEHE

that's after the CBC. So ouchy ouchy!


Nebulizer session :)
breakfast in bed it is!
